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Dig Safe

Call Before you Dig

Know What’s Below. Call Before You Dig.

811 Safety

Planting a tree? Installing a fence? Planning a home improvement? Call 811.

Did you know it’s the law to make this call? Electric power lines, natural gas pipelines, water pipes, communications lines, and other utility services can be within a few feet of the ground ’s surface. Not knowing where they are can result in personal injury, property damage, and neighborhood service interruptions. Even a small dent or a scrape can cause damage, resulting in a leak or service-wide disruptions.

If you’re planning any type of excavation, call 811 at least three full working days before digging, drilling, or blasting. This national service, which is performed at no cost to you, helps keep you and your loved ones safe. When you call 811, the national Call Before You Dig center will notify Liberty Utilities and other participating utilities, allowing us to mark our underground wires, pipes, or cables so you’ll know what areas to avoid. This service is provided free of charge.

We’ll mark the appropriate areas according to this easy to follow color-coded system.

Safe Color Coded System

Then you’ll be ready to dig safely! Be sure to dig around the markings and not on them. Safe digging keeps you, your family, and your friends secure and protected.

For more information about the national 811 program, visit their website at*.

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